
Gymnasium der Stadt Hanau

Motivated Team

„The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.” 

– Ludwig Wittgenstein – Tractatus Logico-philosophicus

Sprache ist nicht erst seit der Globalisierung und engeren Vernetzung der Welt essenziell geworden – sie war es schon immer. Selbst die besten Übersetzungsprogramme können die eigene fundierte, nuancierte interkulturelle kommunikative Kompetenz nicht ersetzen, denn Sprache ist und kann so viel mehr! Und die Sprache, auf die am Ende alles zurückfällt, welche uns in unserer heutigen Welt als Kommunikationsgrundlage dient – als lingua franca – ist English.

Fachsprecher Hr. Nimbler und Fr. Schneider

Vor diesem Hintergrund verstehen wir uns in der Englischfachschaft als Türöffner und Wegebereiter. Um dieses gemeinsame Ziel mit unserer großen und engagierten Fachschaft zu erreichen, stehen wir als Ansprechpartner und Leitung gerne zur Verfügung. Wir verstehen uns hierbei als „key-maker“, die Interessen bündelt, Impulse setzt und neue Möglichkeiten eröffnen. Die Grenzen unserer Sprache sind die Grenzen unserer Welt und Englisch hat das größte Potential diese Welt zu erweitern, vergrößern und zu erkunden, davon sind wir fest überzeugt. Begeben Sie sich mit uns auf eine Sprachreise, welche die gesamte Welt umspannt. Den Schlüssel für unser Transportmittel haben wir bereits, steigen Sie ein.

Our teachers…

“Hope is the only thing stronger than fear.”

Mr. Bäbler

Subjects: English and PE
Hobbies: everything connected to sports

Why did you decide to become a teacher?
I have truly enjoyed working with children and adolescents as long as I can remember“

Why do you teach English and PE?
I have always loved listening to English music. When I was younger, I truly struggled concerning understanding what my heroes´ songs were about. That just had to change. Regarding PE, I have enjoyed movement and competition since day one, so PE had to be involved.r having started as a football coach. You guys have a lot to offer.“

Have you ever been abroad?
„Fortunately, I experienced the pleasure of working as a foreign language assistant at a wonderful English school in Dorchester (Dorset). That was a great experience!“

What do you think about “Karl-Rehbein Schule”?
„Our school offers extensive opportunities for students and teachers alike. We can consider ourselves tremendously fortunate. So, let´s keep going seizing the chances.“


“Take every chance you get in life, because some things only happen once.” (Karen Gibbs)

Mr. Emmert

Subjects: English, PE, Physical Education, Handball
Hobbies: sports (handball, running, windsurfing, hiking), traveling and reading
Favourite food: Swabian kitchen

Why did you decide to become a teacher?
I associate teaching with the idea of working together on a project. As in sports, teamwork is the key element to success in work and life. Together as a team, players and coaches should provide good training and learning processes to win important matches. „

Why do you teach English?
Speaking languages enables us to communicate and get in touch with other people. The English language as a world language opens up many possibilities to make new contacts, to interact with others or to experience new adventures. Whether in work life or on vacation, English helps us.“

Have you ever been abroad?
„I lived in Canada (Toronto/ Ontario) for one year and worked there for a renewable energy company. I also studied political science and sports science in Denmark (Aarhus) for one year. Both stays abroad were a great experience for me – I would dare to take on such an adventure again anytime!“

What do you think about “Karl-Rehbein Schule”?
„A great school with plenty of opportunities to experience a perfect time. Besides learning, the KRS also offers the chance to develop your personal strengths and interests.“

“There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that’s your own self.” – Aldous Huxley

Mr. Katsivardas

Subjects: English, PE, German, Theatre
Hobbies: sports, books, adventures
Favourite Food: a good old Cheeseburger

Why did you decide to become a teacher?
I was taught by some wonderful teachers during school. So later I decided to try my best to be a positive influence on young people myself“

Why do you teach English?
There are many reasons! I’ve always strongly believed that literature teaches a lot about life and it happens that some of my favorite authors are Oscar Wilde and William Shakespeare, of course among others. So, teaching literature is one of my absolute passions!“

Have you ever been abroad?
„Yes, I’ve lived in Chile for two years and taught at the German School in Santiago de Chile: an unbelievable experience! Unfortunately, I’ve never spent a longer time span in an English-speaking country, but I’ve visited London on various occasions. Of course, it’s never too late!“

What do you think about “Karl-Rehbein Schule”?
„KRS is a great school with a lot to offer! The school’s administrative organization is splendid, the location is beautiful next to Hanau’s “Schlossgarten”, the extracurricular offerings are unbelievable and, of course, our teaching staff is highly motivated.“

Zurück zu „Fach Englisch“

Im Schlosshof 2
63450 Hanau

Tel: (06181)6183-600
Fax: (06181)6183-699
E-Mail: info@karl-rehbein-schule.de